A popular educational poster explaining the workings and applications of GIS has been revised by the U.S. Geological Survey. Titled simply Geographic Information Systems, the poster as originally published in 1992 has been out of print for several years.
Printed on both sides, the folded document opens up to 21.5" high x 34" wide, the same size as the first edition. One side covers the functions and inner workings of GIS and its data; the other goes into applications and graphic display techniques. About half of the original illustrations are continued in the new edition, the remainder being new.
Copies of the poster are free. For use on a bulletin board, remember to get two copies so that both sides will be visible. To order, contact the USGS at 1-888-ASK-USGS; the item number is 16424. For people visiting our office we have a small supply.
The content of the poster is also available for viewing as a long web page at http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/gis_poster/index. Note that in this format the information and illustrations are not laid out to replicate the paper version so printing on a large-format printer will not result in a plot that looks like the poster.