State Geographic Information Officer David Mockert announced today the WIGICC summit meeting originally scheduled for July 26th has been moved back to Thursday, September 6. This decision was in response to the amount of feedback obtained through a series of five listening sessions held in May and June, plus an online survey. The ad-hoc WIGICC planning team would like additional time to digest the feedback received.
The summit meeting is open to anyone interested in the future of geographic information coordination in Wisconsin. The purpose of the meeting is to summarize the materials and ideas presented thus far, and to identify the proposed council’s responsibilities, operational structure, and strategic approaches to be used to achieve the goals listed in the 2006 statewide GIS strategic plan.
According to Mockert, the summit meeting results will feed into a comprehensive WIGICC proposal, which will be presented to the state administration in early fall.
Summit attendees are asked to RSVP to by Friday, August 31.