The Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) has put together what is shaping up to be one of their best regional conferences in recent years. The upcoming meeting, scheduled for November 1-2 at the Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, will tackle topics related to emergency management and open records laws.
Presentations scheduled for Thursday emphasize emergency management applications of GIS, including talks on the recent flooding in Wisconsin, lessons learned with search and rescue situations, and implementing reverse E911 systems.
Friday begins with a presentation by attorney Mary Burke from the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office on open records laws as they pertain to geospatial data, maps, and applications. The morning also includes a panel discussion on open records laws, and a discussion of a recent Wisconsin court case involving land records. Also on tap is a discussion of Assembly Bill 496, a proposal to limit owner name searches of Web-based property records applications.
Registration fees for the event run $40 each day for WLIA members, $50 for non-members.