Save the date, October 15, 2011 for a celebration of cartography at UW-Madison! For those curious to see the lab in its current form, an open house will be held from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m., followed by a reception at the Fluno Center from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
You are invited to bring your stories, photos and any remnants of past UW mapping work that you may still have around. This event will bring together many generations of UW Cartography alumni, clients, and collaborative partners.
If you are able to join us for food, drinks and reminiscing, please register via the NACIS Web site. If you are not attending NACIS, select the button, “Workshop/Fieldtrip Only, No Conference Registration,” under “Saturday Field Trips” there is a University of Wisconsin Cartography Celebration, for $20.