Wisconsin Geospatial News

Ayres receives award for WROC

A belated congratulations is due to Ayres Associates for taking home a “Best of State” Engineering Excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Wisconsin.  Ayres Associates, headquartered in Eau Claire but with geospatial services operations centered primarily in their Madison office, received the award for their leadership in supporting the Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium (WROC).

The ACEC Web site describes the WROC effort: “Led by seven regional planning commissions, the goal of WROC was to improve the inefficient and expensive way governments and agencies acquire mapping products. The challenge was to meet the varied needs in one statewide mapping project. Ayres Associates met this challenge by designing and managing Wisconsin’s first leaf-off aerial imagery project, while providing customized high-accuracy imagery to more than 100 participants – all within a single flying season.”

Ayres Associates is a nationwide multi-specialty professional services firm of approximately 275 employees providing services from 13 offices in seven states.  The American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin’s 42nd Annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) competition provides the opportunity to highlight and celebrate achievements in engineering. The awards program showcases the best in engineering achievements to a statewide audience of clients, industry leaders, legislators and other decision makers.

Source: ACEC Wisconsin