(source: www.surveyearth.com)
Two major events focused on surveyors will be occurring in June. Survey Earth in a Day is scheduled for June 21st at Noon where geospatial professionals and members of Land Surveyors United (a global support network for land surveyors) around the world will be simultaneously recording survey grade GPS data from thousands of points around the globe in an effort to gain a more accurate understanding of the Earth’s surface.
This will be the second Survey the Earth in Day event as a continuation of an ongoing, annual social surveying education experiment, with a mission not only to learn more about the earth’s surface but also monitor its changes over time, as a global community. For more information visit www.surveyearth.com. (source: Land Surveyors United)
The second event is International Surveyors Week (June 16-22) aimed for Land Surveyors in any country on Earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society and learning how surveying is practiced in all locations.