The following email was sent out today by Mike Friis, Leader of the Resource Policy Team within the Division of Intergovernmental Relations at the Department of Administration:
“I am excited to announce that Jim Giglierano will be joining DOA in July as the new Geographic Information Officer within the Division of Intergovernmental Relations. Jim has a strong background in geospatial technologies like GIS, GPS, and remote sensing. Jim comes to Wisconsin from Iowa, where he served as GIS Program Manager at Iowa State University Extension and worked for many years at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. He will primarily be working with the Wisconsin Land Information Program, on statewide geospatial projects like the Statewide Parcel Map Initiative.
I anticipate Jim will be available for the June WLIA regional and we will pass along his contact information once he is in place July. We hope you will join us to celebrate Jim’s arrival.”
The Geographic Information Officer position has been vacant since last summer. It was previously held by Curtis Pulford, who is now Arizona State Cartographer.
Watch this space for more details about the new hire!