Have you completed the 2016 WLIP (Wisconsin Land Information Program) online survey? The survey is mandatory for county LIOs, but the Department of Administration is encouraging “all who use or benefit from WLIP-funded data to provide their opinions by taking the survey.”
The survey is being used gather information about how the community thinks future WLIP Strategic Initiative Grant funding should be utilized. The survey focuses on open data, aerial imagery, and lidar — areas of emphasis that emerged from the WLIP Program Plan 2016-2021.
The survey deadline is January 20, 2017. See the sidebar for website links.
At the SCO we held several internal discussions to draft our survey response. We also asked Jaime Martindale, GIS Data Librarian at the UW-Madison Robinson Map Library, for her input and suggestions. We thought some of you might be interested in our response, so we have made it available here. This document echoes some of the same ideas we presented in an earlier discussion paper on the concept of a statewide geoportal. See this December 2016 Mapping Bulletin article for more details.
We are always interested to know what you think. You can call (608-262-6852) or email me directly if you have a comment or question.