Wisconsin Geospatial News

Dane County Launches Underrepresented Communities Historical Markers Program

In the fall of 2023, the Dane County Board of Supervisors adopted an amendment calling for the creation of a historical markers program in Dane County. The result is the “Underrepresented Communities Historical Markers Program.” This program will provide an opportunity to highlight the diverse peoples and cultures of Dane County.

A historical marker is usually a sign placed at a location that helps teach residents and visitors about the past. Markers may have text, images, quotes and web links to other resources and information.

If you have an idea about a place, person or event that’s particularly important, Dane County invites you to submit your idea via an online survey.

Submissions will be evaluated by a new Dane County Heritage Preservation Commission.

Follow these links for information on other historical markers in Dane County and the state.