Join us at the UW-Madison Geospatial Summit on April 16 for a Keynote Address by Dr. David Hart.
Hart, Senior Scientist with the University of Wisconsin Aquatic Sciences Center and Associate Director for Extension at the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant/Water Resources Institutes, will give a talk titled “Three Decades of Coastal GIS at Wisconsin Sea Grant.” He’ll share lessons learned, describe current Wisconsin Sea Grant GIS collaborations, and look to the future of geospatial technologies for adaptive management of coastal resources.
Mark your calendar for April 16! In addition to Hart’s talk, there will be additional speakers, a career panel and a career fair with representatives from local GIS companies and agencies. The summit runs from 10 am to 3:30 pm at the Gordon Dining and Event Center (770 W Dayton St, Madison) and is free and open to all.
Get more info on the Geospatial Summit and register here.