Wisconsin Geospatial News

Welcome to the April 2005 Mapping Bulletin

Back in February I learned of a March trip that Chris Diller from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs was taking to Nicaragua. One goal of his trip was to learn more about how they use GIS in emergency management. After a little arm twisting (just kidding Chris) he agreed to report on his experiences for this edition of the Bulletin. He found that Nicaragua and Wisconsin are not as different as you might expect.

I appreciate Chris taking time to write the article, and I hope all of you reading this will consider submitting an article of your own sometime in the future. Likewise, I always like hearing from readers, and encourage you to send me story ideas.

Earlier this week I received a note from Alissa Bails, who also happens to be the subject of my guest interview this month, regarding a new scholarship WLIA is offering to students attending technical colleges and universities in Wisconsin. Please check out her article, and pass it along to any students you know—it’s truly a great opportunity.

The U.S. Geological Survey recently announced the availability of the 2005 Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP). CAP grants provide seed funding to assist organizations in their work with geospatial information technologies. The State Cartographer’s Office received a handful of CAP grants in the past, and we are encouraging organizations around the state to apply. We’re happy to give advice to anyone interested in pursuing a grant; contact me directly for more info.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the Bulletin, and as always, I welcome your comments and feedback: lacy@wisc.edu.

Best wishes until next time, Jim