Advanced Airborne LIDAR: Technology and Applications is the primary topic of a meeting the morning of June 21 in Cottage Grove, WI. Sponsored by the Western Great Lakes Chapter of ASPRS — but open to non-members — the morning will also include a tribute to Dr. Paul Wolf who died earlier this year.
Mike Renslow of Spencer B. Gross, Inc. (and current Past-President of ASPRS) will handle the LIDAR presentation. Dr. Terry Keating and Dr. Tom Lillesand, both past presidents of APSRS, will present the Wolf tribute.
Lunch will follow, and an afternoon golf event is an optional part of the event which in its entirety will be held at Door Creek Golf Course.
Morning presentations begin at 9:00, lunch is at noon, and golf begins at 12:45.
Registration for the morning session and lunch is $15 for ASPRS members and $25 for non-members. Golf fees are $21 for 9 holes and $40 for 18 holes (both including cart).
Send registration (checks payable to WGL-ASPRS by June 7 to Dave Hart, Continental Mapping Consultants, Inc., 722 Lois Drive, Sun Prairie, WI. 53590.
You can contact Dave via phone (608-834-9823), fax (608-834-8534), or e-mail (