The LinkWISCONSIN EBM Parcel Mapping Project team recently delivered its final database to the Public Service Commission, meeting the project’s target date of June 30th. The final deliverable included statewide layers of both parcels and address points with attribute schemas designed to support the business needs of the PSC.
Deliverable Summary
The most notable objective of this project was to build comprehensive layers that include all digitally available Wisconsin address point and parcel data. Built from county and municipal data, the final parcel layer totaled 3.7 million features and the address point layer totaled 2.7 million features within Wisconsin. Both layers received 100% participation from county-level contributors, amounting to address point and parcel coverage that is unprecedented within the State of Wisconsin. Thank you to our data contributors for making this effort a great success!
Coordinating an attribute schema that functions cohesively within one statewide data model was another objective attained with this deliverable. Due to the natural irregularity amongst the schemas of parcel and address data sources, action was taken to retain and align attribute information in order to make these features most useful. To accomplish this, several transformation tools and processes have been applied to the data to extract, transform, load, parse, standardize, and organize native data into two coordinated schemas.
What’s Next?
The LinkWISCONSIN Parcel Mapping Team will be taking on an additional objective during these summer months to improve and build-out the Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) spatial database that plays a fundamental role in assessing broadband connectivity. The project will leverage the address point and parcel database in improving CAI data and will focus on three main objectives:
- Improve the spatial accuracy of features in the current CAI database
- Expand the current classification of CAIs from public schools K-12, libraries, health care facilities, public safety, higher education, government and non-government institutions to include correctional facilities, ports and private schools
- Build-out and update current CAI data to include missing CAIs and new CAIs