Wisconsin Aerial Photography: Oddities and Interesting Sights

Sometimes the stuff you can find out there never ceases to amaze!

Field collection underway for Wiscland 2 project

The fieldwork season has begun to complete the samples database for the Wiscland-2 land cover mapping project!  To round out the training/validation dataset of over 500,000 samples, ten Field Technicians have been brought on for the summer and are traveling the state to identify and collect GPS locations and ecological information with the aid of a DNR field mentor stationed in their collection region.

Check out the Wisconsin Geospatial Events Calendar

If you are looking for Wisconsin events, meetings, and conferences, this is the place to start.

2015 Wisconsin NAIP flights starting in June

Imagery acquisitions for the 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program are scheduled to begin in Wisconsin around June 20th and run through the end of August.

Details set for Bill Huxhold retirement gathering

Mark your calendars, an icon of Wisconsin land information is retiring! Join Bill’s friends and colleagues on May 21st to honor his distinguished career.

Registration open for WLIA Spring Regional

Register now for the event happening in Eagle River on June 4th and 5th.

Wisconsin Land Cover project forging ahead

Project sponsored by the Wisconsin DNR continues to make progress towards an updated statewide land cover map based on interpreted satellite imagery.

Comment now on draft 2015 Uniform Instructions for Land Information Plans

The Wisconsin Department of Administration seeks your comments on the guidelines used by counties to prepare land information plans for the Wisconsin Land Information Program.

Wisconsin municipal GIS group seeks input

Respond to an online survey by May 22nd if you are interested in municipal GIS issues.

Clarification on new NGS geoid model

Implementing the new “GEOID12A” model is not necessary in the continental U.S.