Help celebrate the history of cartography on April 25th

Join the University of Wisconsin and Friends of the Libraries as they honor the award-winning History of Cartography project and the forthcoming release of Cartography in the Twentieth Century.

Czechanski passes away on March 30

“Cz” was a longtime Cartographer at the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey and former supervisor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cartography Lab.

Huxhold to be be honored on May 21st

An icon of Wisconsin land information is planning to retire later this spring.

Horton and Mertes contribute to article on urbanization

SCO staffers Josephine (Jo) Horton and Carly Mertes contributed to an article published March 3, 2015 in the journal Environmental Research Letters

Wisconsin lawmakers consider UAV technology

Committee on Jobs and the Economy hears testimony on how unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology could affect Wisconsin’s economy.

Save the date for NACIS 2015

The North American Cartographic Information Society is headed to Minneapolis on October 14-17, 2015. 

New ArcGIS training classes coming up at UW-Madison

Land Information and Computer Graphics Facility redesigns introductory and advanced ArcGIS courses.

Registration open for WLIA Annual Conference

Sign up now for Wisconsin’s largest geospatial event.

Wisconsin Geospatial Strategy Working Group publishes report

Group seeks comments on first draft of “A Geospatial Vision for Wisconsin.”

Wisconsin aerial imagery projects: 2013-2017

New interactive status map shows recent and future activity in Wisconsin.