WIGICC seeks nominations

The Wisconsin Geographic Information Coordination Council is looking for representatives in seven different sectors.

Project to develop Wisconsin orthophotography business plan moving forward

New SCO-led project seeks to gather input from the Wisconsin geospatial community on past orthoimagery projects, and develop a business plan that makes incremental improvements to the current situation.

UWSP offers new training opportunities

The GIS Center at UW-Stevens Point recently unveiled two new training courses, with more on the way.

WLIA Foundation announces scholarship opportunities for students

The Wisconsin Land Information Association Foundation is now accepting applications for their 2012 Damon Anderson Memorial Scholarship Awards.

Huxhold to be awarded 2012 UCGIS Education Award

William E. Huxhold, professor of urban planning at UW-Milwaukee, will be awarded the 2012 Education Award from the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science at its upcoming annual symposium to be held in Washington DC.

WLIA outlines new initiatives

“Just Do It” is the new mantra of the Wisconsin Land Information Association. A statewide parcel pilot project, a statewide data integration plan, and a new look at geospatial legislation top the list of goals for 2012.

Managing information overload with Web feeds

Looking for a slick way to stay current on your favorite Web content? Give feeds a try.

FOSS4G North America headed to Minneapolis in 2013

Conference will highlight the latest and greatest projects from the Open Source Geospatial foundation.

UW-Milwaukee offering online GIS in Transit course

The course is primarily aimed at public transportation professionals, but it is also open to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of GIS applications.  Sign up now, it begins on March 12th!

Bluske retires from La Crosse County after 36 years

The Wisconsin land information pioneer reflects on his time working in county government.