MAPPS urges governors to review state geospatial activities

The Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors recently sent letters to all 50 state governors asking them to “conduct a review of [the state’s] activities in the geospatial field.”

Land surveying bill introduced to Senate

The Land Surveying Modernization bill was officially introduced to the Wisconsin State Senate on February 8th as SB-444.

New land surveying modernization bill in the works

The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) is working closely with Senator Dale Schultz (R, District 17) and Representative Roger Rivard (R, District 75) to introduce companion bills aimed at updating the statutes that govern the land surveying profession in Wisconsin.

SCO print publications now contain QR codes

You’ve probably seen these two-dimensional barcodes in magazine ads, newspapers, signs, even on T-shirts, but what are they, and how do they work?

WIGICC seeks assistance

The Wisconsin Geographic Information Coordination Council is conducting a short survey to get your feedback.

Niemann presents unique approach at Esri GeoDesign Summit

The widely-known pioneer in land information described his experiences with a grassroots approach to planning.

New county image mosaics available from WisconsinView

The National Park Service recently completed work on generating 72 individual county mosaics from a statewide set of 18-inch imagery produced by the 2010 Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium project.

Geocortex users meeting in Milwaukee

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District is hosting a meeting for Latitude Geographics Geocortex users on January 31.

ASPRS Western Great Lakes meeting on February 2nd

The annual gathering of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Western Great Lakes Region will feature Mr. James Ferguson, an international expert in LiDAR systems. Everyone is invited!

ASPRS travel assistance offered to students

A new travel program will help university students participate in the annual meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).