Want to work for the SCO?

The State Cartographer’s Office in Madison has a new part-time position available.  Check it out!

Mickelson moves to OCI

Erik Mickelson, formerly with the DOA Geographic Information Office, recently started in a new position at the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.

Statewide parcel coordination underway

Wisconsin GIO Curtis Pulford sheds some light on recent and upcoming efforts to assemble a statewide parcel database from local government data.

WLIA task force needs your input

The Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) Geospatial Preparedness Task Force (GPTF) is currently conducting a survey to identify the spatial data needs for emergency management and homeland security in Wisconsin.

WIGICC speaks out on USGS budget cuts

Cuts proposed would eliminate USGS Partnership funds used to leverage local and state efforts to acquire new geospatial data.  Wisconsin has benefited significantly from USGS partnership funds in the past.

Statewide airphoto project highlighted on WPR

Earlier today Wisconsin Public Radio aired a story on the statewide aerial photography project led by the Wisconsin Regional Orthophoto Consortium.

New SCO infosheet looks at Elevation

The State Cartographer’s Office recently published a new “Understanding Elevation” infosheet aimed at educating geospatial professionals on the often-misunderstood topic of elevation measurements.

Minnesota GIS-LIS Association publishes salary survey

The Minnesota GIS/LIS Association recently published the results of a statewide salary survey of GIS professionals conducted in the Fall of 2009.

OJA profiles statewide aerial photography effort

The Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance (OJA) recently posted a short news blurb on their Web site about the statewide aerial photography project happening in Wisconsin during 2010.

A statewide GPS land survey for the record books?

The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors will kick off National Surveyor’s Week with a potentially record-setting GPS survey project on March 20th.