Wisconsin Department of Commerce LiDAR grants announced

$3 million offered to counties in southern Wisconsin for LiDAR data acquisitions in 2010.

Mockert joins GeoDecisions

Former Wisconsin GIO takes on new role as a senior business development manager with GeoDecisions in Madison.

U.S. National Grid expert to speak at WLIA

Talbot Brooks, the country’s foremost expert on the U.S. National Grid "geoaddressing" system, is conducting a day-long workshop at the WLIA Annual Conference in Appleton, WI on February 24,  2010.

New UW project will develop a Wisconsin Coastal Atlas

The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program is sponsoring a new project at UW-Madison that will develop a geospatial data portal for coastal areas in Wisconsin.

Halfen honored by UW-Eau Claire

Fred Halfen, Vice President of Ayres Associates and a longtime advocate for the Wisconsin geospatial community, receives a Lifetime Excellence Award from his alma mater.

WROC state and federal partnerships top $1.1 million

A recent funding boost will create a statewide 18-inch imagery product, and also help reduce costs for other WROC participants.

New state project will use GIS to fight agro-terrorism

Thanks to a federal grant, the WI Department of Ag, Trade, and Consumer Protection will develop a GIS-based tool called “TIGER” to map and track contaminated food in the event of a terrorist attack.

UW-Madison geospatial consortium unveils new Web site

Check out the new “SIAC” site to learn more about geospatial activities on the UW-Madison campus.

New Natural Earth map product has significant Madison influences

A gorgeous new global map dataset available at 1:10 million, 1:50 million, and 1:110 million scales received considerable support and guidance from many folks in the Madison-area.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security needs your feedback

In cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) recently put together two surveys aimed at improving two federal geospatial programs.