Wisconsin Department of Commerce LiDAR grants announced
$3 million offered to counties in southern Wisconsin for LiDAR data acquisitions in 2010.
$3 million offered to counties in southern Wisconsin for LiDAR data acquisitions in 2010.
Former Wisconsin GIO takes on new role as a senior business development manager with GeoDecisions in Madison.
Talbot Brooks, the country’s foremost expert on the U.S. National Grid "geoaddressing" system, is conducting a day-long workshop at the WLIA Annual Conference in Appleton, WI on February 24, 2010.
The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program is sponsoring a new project at UW-Madison that will develop a geospatial data portal for coastal areas in Wisconsin.
Fred Halfen, Vice President of Ayres Associates and a longtime advocate for the Wisconsin geospatial community, receives a Lifetime Excellence Award from his alma mater.
A recent funding boost will create a statewide 18-inch imagery product, and also help reduce costs for other WROC participants.
Thanks to a federal grant, the WI Department of Ag, Trade, and Consumer Protection will develop a GIS-based tool called “TIGER” to map and track contaminated food in the event of a terrorist attack.
Check out the new “SIAC” site to learn more about geospatial activities on the UW-Madison campus.
A gorgeous new global map dataset available at 1:10 million, 1:50 million, and 1:110 million scales received considerable support and guidance from many folks in the Madison-area.
In cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) recently put together two surveys aimed at improving two federal geospatial programs.