Erik Mickelson has accepted a position as a GIS Services Architect working with Geographic Information Officer Curtis Pulford at the Wisconsin Department of Administration.
Wisconsinites willing to take a short trip to the west may be interested in some upcoming ArcGIS and LiDAR workshops happening in Minnesota. (Update: LiDAR workshop date changed to June 6.)
Lee Samson, formerly with the WI Dept. of Transportation, has moved over to the DOA Division of Enterprise Technology where he will be working with Geographic Information Officer Curtis Pulford.
Several nationally-known speakers plus the usual mix of local talent will discuss topics revolving around the conference theme of “Democratizing the Multi-Purpose Land Information System: Impediments and Opportunities.”
An interesting pilot project looks at the feasibility of bringing selected maps from the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory (a.k.a., the “Bordner Survey”) into Google Earth.
After many months of work, the 2008 National Agriculture Imagery Program digital orthophoto project is now a reality, with flights scheduled to begin in June.