Jefferson County seeks contractor for parcel fabric conversion

Jefferson County, Wisconsin is seeking proposals for assistance implementing the ESRI Parcel Fabric and Local Government Information Model for Parcel Publishing (LGIM).

Rusk County seeks contractor for Orthophotography

Proposals for six-inch resolution countywide orthos are due by October 7th, 2019.

Who has more lakes: Minnesota or Wisconsin?

The answer is…. complicated.

New features on Wisconsin Geospatial jobs page makes finding internships easier

New internship page and e-email alert service helps college students to find a great gig.

Changes made to SCO RSS Feeds

Update your news feeds now.

City of West Allis Receives Award for Narcan Mapping Project

Pat Walker, GIS Supervisor with the City of West Allis, was recently recognized for his work with the West Allis Fire Department, helping to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic in Southeast Wisconsin.

2018 county datasets now available on GeoData@Wisconsin

Statewide geoportal contains 1,486 public datasets that may be downloaded for free by any user.

Registration open for Esri Wisconsin User Group meeting in Green Bay

The popular Esri-focused meeting is once again headed to mighty Lambeau on October 25th and 26th!

WLIA, EWUG headed to Northeastern Wisconsin in October

Two popular geospatial events happening in Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay this fall.

Ayres Associates Names VP of Geospatial Services

Engineering and architecture consulting firm Ayres Associates has named Jason Ingram, PLS, vice president of its geospatial division, which provides land survey and aerial mapping services.