In order to support changes in the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), users of certain Trimble GPS receivers should check their firmware and upgrade if necessary.
With the goal of making orthoimagery acquisition more efficient and cost-effective through a proposed statewide program in 2010, the Wisconsin Land Information Association Orthoimagery Task Force (WOTF) recently held their first meeting in conjunction with the WLIA regional conference in Stevens Point.
The planning work associated with creating a new Wisconsin Geographic Information Coordination Council (WIGICC) has moved along nicely during the past two months. What’s next?
The Wisconsin Geographic Information Coordination Council Summit Meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, July 26th has been moved back to allow the planning team more time to digest feedback received.
Jerry Sullivan has accepted a GIS Project Manager position with the Science Information Services Section, Bureau of Integrated Science Services, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.