WLIA conference final program now available

Get ready for the state’s premier GIS event.

New format unveiled for Mapping Bulletin

After several months of hard work, we’re finally ready to show off the new and improved Mapping Bulletin site. Let us know what you think!

Are you on the list?

Most of us don’t remember how we got on the de facto statewide geospatial e-mail listserv called “lio-tech.” For anyone that would like to join, here are the details.


ESRI offers ArcIMS map projections podcast

A new ESRI audio podcast aims to help you sort out common projection problems with ArcIMS, and why you should consider adding projection information to your web mapping services.

Harrower receives Distinguished Teaching Award

Dr. Mark Harrower, Assistant Professor of Geography/Cartography at UW-Madison, was recently awarded the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award.

Governor recommends continuing WLIP grants

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle presented his 2007-09 Executive Budget to the State Legislature on Tuesday, February 13th.

Strategic plan for GIS in Wisconsin completed

Through the coordination efforts of the Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA), a strategic plan for GIS in the state has been completed and posted on the WLIA website. 

National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) update

2005 NAIP DOQQ tiles and 2006 NAIP county mosaics now available.

WI-DOT Surveying and Mapping Section on the move

The Department of Transportation’s Surveying and Mapping Section recently moved from the Hill Farms State Office Building in Madison to the northeast side of the city near the Dane County Regional Airport.

Deadline approaching for 2007 NSDI funding

Applications for the 2007 National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NDSI) Cooperative Agreements Program must be submitted by January 26. Wisconsin applicants have been very successful in recent years.