WLIA headed to Sturgeon Bay

The next Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) regional meeting will be held at the Stone Harbor Resort in Sturgeon Bay on October 19-20, 2006. Presentations scheduled include: Explore Autodesk Map 3D 2007 Linear Mapping Applications …

Science Hall Open House

The UW-Madison Department of Geography and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies are hosting an open house to showcase the stately structure at the corner of Park Street and Observatory Drive in Madison, and the …

2006 ESRI Wisconsin User Group call for presentations

The annual gathering of Wisconsin ESRI users set is for November 1-2 in Appleton.

From NOAA to UW-Madison, Dr. Alan Vonderohe proves his versatility

A summer job grew into a lifelong career for the retiring UW-Madison professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Watching students learn and grow was his greatest reward for the past 27 years.

2005 Second Edition TIGER/Line files now available

Data for 14 Wisconsin counties updated as part of the ongoing Census TIGER/Master Address File Accuracy Improvement Project.

Where are we headed?

SCO staff recently capped off a six-month long process with the unveiling of a new 2006-2009 strategic plan. Tell us what you think!

Staffing news from around the state

Read more about the accomplishments of your Wisconsin colleagues.

Are we there yet… how are distances for highway signs measured?

Is it the edge of town? Or maybe the main post office? The answer is: neither!

WLIA Emergency Management Task Force report identifies 15 key recommendations

Recently-released final report examines the current utilization of geospatial technology for emergency management in Wisconsin. GIS is making some headway in the emergency management community, but we have a long way to go.

New coordinate systems education strategy planned

With the Wisconsin County Coordinate Systems redesign now complete, many are wondering when WISCRS is “official.”