WLIA presidency full of challenges, but working with talented people made the job enjoyable

Ken Pabich, Director of Planning, Zoning & Land Information for Calumet County, completed his one-year term as President of the Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) in March of 2006. What did he learn, and where is the association headed?

Retiring UW-Madison professors to be honored on May 20th

The University of Wisconsin-Madison will honor Drs. Thomas Lillesand, Frank Scarpace and Alan Vonderohe for their nearly 90 years of combined service.

Retiring professors leave a void at UW-Madison

By mid-summer, three longtime UW-Madison professors involved in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS will retire.

WLIA headed to Elkhart Lake in June

Spring regional meeting will focus on privacy, copy rights, data distribution, and GIS law.

UW-Madison student receives ASPRS Paul R. Wolf Memorial Scholarship

Jamon Van Den Hoek was recently awarded a scholarship named for the former UW professor.

I’m looking for lake maps in Wisconsin, where should I start?

While there is no single “best” source we can suggest, there are a number of options you can explore.

Looking for a GIS job in Wisconsin?

Whether you are looking for a job, or need to fill a position, be sure to sure to bookmark the SCO GIS jobs page!

Coastal LiDAR coming to Wisconsin

As part of their Regional Coastal Mapping Program, the Army Corps of Engineers will begin collecting coastal elevation, bathymetric, and orthophoto data in May 2006.

WEM needs assessment report now available

An extensive report created by ESRI for Wisconsin Emergency Management outlines many isues that apply to other organizations and agencies in Wisconsin.

Coastal LiDAR coming to Wisconsin

Army Corps of Engineers to begin collecting data in May 2006