Course in UAV thermal imagery happening June 28th in Washburn

The Bayfield County Land Records Department is organizing an Introduction to Thermography course using UAV thermal imaging.  The $150 training course is planned for 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Thursday June 28th at the Bayfield County Courthouse in Washburn, WI.

Upper Midwest Geospatial Conference program announced

The planning committee for the Upper Midwest Geospatial Conference (UMGEOCON) is pleased to announce the release of its 2018 program, happening May 23-24 in La Crosse, WI.

Fun with Geodesy

Okay, maybe geodesy isn’t fun for most of us. But Dave Doyle, former Chief Geodetic Surveyor with the National Geodetic Survey, has a knack for making the topic interesting and entertaining.

2018 Upper Midwest Geospatial Conference Announced

The multi-state Upper Midwest Geospatial Conference is happening May 23-24, 2018 at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.

Kirk Contrucci named CEO of Menet Aero

Menet Aero, a Milwaukee-based Unmanned Aircraft Systems and aviation services provider, recently named Kirk M. Contrucci as Chief Executive Officer. Contrucci succeeds Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Peter Menet, who will serve as chairman and chief operating officer of Menet Aero.

Lincoln County seeks qualified consultants for ROW mapping project

The Lincoln County Land Services Department is seeking to contract with an individual or entity to create a GIS Index Layer for scanned (PDF format) Right of Way Plats.

Loss of a friend and cherished colleague

It is with deep regret that we share the sad news of the sudden passing of Fred Halfen, a longtime leader in the Wisconsin geospatial community, who drowned this week in Prairie du Sac. He was 65.

GIO Seeks Input on Wisconsin GIS Data Distribution System

Wisconsin Geographic Information Officer Jim Giglierano is conducting a survey to better understand community needs for access to geospatial data. 

New SCO Website now live

Like most organizations, we seek to periodically refresh the look and functionality of our main Website.  It’s been six years since our last major redesign, so we were due for a change! 

2017 NAIP flights making progress in Wisconsin

Aerial imagery acquisitions appear to be lagging behind past years due to persistent rainy weather in the state.