U.S. Library of Congress expects to have 500,000 historic maps online by 2020.
New site offers streamlined access to Department of Natural Resources spatial data.
Latest update now includes NAD83 “HARN” versions of Wisconsin Coordinate Reference Systems (WISCRS).
Ayres has been facilitating grassroots aerial imagery consortiums in Wisconsin since 1995.
Contractors invited to submit proposals by June 9th.
As part of the 2017 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit, UW-Madison is hosting a series of geospatial career events for students the week of April 24th.
Next major meeting of the Wisconsin Land Information Association is happening in Fond du Lac on June 1st and 2nd.
RFP is part of Wood’s ongoing PLSS maintenance program.
The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Western Great Lakes region is looking to fill openings in their upcoming election.
Responses to an online survey will help define “benchmarks” for counties to meet.