Preserving the Integrity of Statewide Parcel Data under the New Judicial Privacy Law (Part I)

Protecting the inherent value of owner name information and the public’s right to know.

Ashland County Building Inventory Project

A recent study highlights some of the barriers to acquiring digital tax assessment data to create a detailed building database for flood modeling.

Participate in GPS on Benchmarks Program

The National Geodetic Survey is asking surveyors to collect GPS observations to improve the accuracy of the new National Spatial Reference System.

Public Land Survey System Work Group Receives Community-University Partnership Award

The Public Land Survey System Work Group was recently acknowledged by UW-Madison for outstanding community-engaged collaboration in embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea.

A farewell interview with AJ Wortley

After two decades, AJ Wortley is leaving the SCO to begin a new phase of his career in the private sector.

V3 statewide parcel web app now available

The Version 3 Statewide Parcel Database is now available through the Parcel Web Application and Data Distribution Page.

New WHAIFinder aerial photo application released

Try out our new WHAIFinder historic aerial photo application redesigned and redeveloped by SCO student developers.

New Beta Wisconsin Aerial Photography Catalog Released

Try out our new Beta Aerial Photography Catalog developed in collaboration with the Robinson Map Library.

Science Hall After Dark – November 11th

On Friday, November 11, 2016 we will celebrate 75 years of making maps in Science Hall; we hope you will join us!

V2 statewide parcel web app now available

The Version 2 Statewide Parcel Database Web Application is now available online.