GIS Monitor coverage of remote sensing speaks well of UW-Madison

UW-Madison professor Dr. Frank Scarpace was interviewed about the differences in digital photogrammetry software.

NRCS to hold Northwest-10 Last Acre Ceremony

Last soil survey acre in Wisconsin to be followed by statewide mapping completion in coming year.

2005 FGDC CAP Grants Go to 3 Wisconsin Agencies

Wisconsin DNR, UW-Milwaukee, Wisconsin Land Information Association all receive cooperative funding.

State GIO Hired

Wisconsin CIO Matt Miszewski announced today the hiring of David Mockert into the position of Geographic Information Officer (GIO), effective September 19th. Mockert has an extensive background in information technology, with specialized experience in developing, …

GIS Monitor coverage of remote sensing speaks well of UW

UW Madison Professor and Graduates Highlighted

Satellites Capture Watertown Tire Fire Smoke Plume

Smoke drifts over Milwaukee

Governor’s Budget Vetoes are Significant for Land Information Program

Doyle’s action undoes budget provisions passed by Legislature

WEM Releases GIS Needs Asessment Report

The Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) GIS needs assessment final report is now available for viewing. The 458-page report, produced by ESRI through a contractal agreement with WEM, is based on interviews with GIS users, and …

Woodward Remembered

David Woodward leaves legacy of worldwide cartographic history.

GIS Day 2004

UW-Madison Geography Department to hold GIS Day in the Memorial Union on November 17th.