Norman Anderson and Arthur Robinson

Interview with Norman Anderson and Arthur Robinson about founding of SCO.

SCO lands grant projects

Over most of the next year, the State Cartographer’s Office will be working on two grant-supported projects designed to develop several cutting-edge applications.

SCO staff changes and grows

We were sorry to see Ana Rumm leave the office over the summer.

Map titles are extremely important

Choosing a clear title and giving it prominence in the layout may be the most critical descision you make each time you set out to create a map.

Map Design workshop scheduled again

We are happy to announce another opportunity for you to take part in our Map Design Workshop.

First map of “America” belongs to the U.S.

The only known copy of the map believed to have first designated the New World as "America" now belongs to the Library of Congress.

Green Bay lobe details revealed

No, this story isn’t about a collective brain scan of this year’s Packers team.

USGS ends “map separate” as standard product

In a move that reflects the grwoing dominance of the digital environment in mapping, the U.S. Geological Survey has removed copies of map separates as a routine product.

State Highway Map arrives for summer season

The state’s newly revisted highway map is now avaliable.

Lewis & Clark maps popping up

Two hundred years ago President Thomas Jefferson was orchestrating the organization of the expedition to explore the lands that had just been added to the public domain through the Louisiana Purchase.