Geospatial Summit Returns to UW-Madison on April 16, 2025

Register for the 2025 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit!

Not Exactly Half Way to the North Pole

Roadside geographical markers purporting to show their latitude may be misleading.

Governor’s Budget Requests Additional Funds for County LIOs and WLIP

The budget proposes a doubling of funds for the state’s land information community.

Mt. McKinley Gets a Re-Do

The Alaskan mountain peak, known as Mt. McKinley from 1917 until 2015, and then as Denali, has reverted back to being Mt. McKinley.

Farewell to the Gulf of Mexico

It’s official.

How to change the batteries in your conductivity meter

It’s nothing like changing the batteries in your remote!

Renaming Denali and the Gulf of Mexico

A (very) brief interpretation of President Trump’s recent Executive Order.

The Strange Case of the Galena and Fever Rivers

One river. Two different names.

SCO Hosts OFS Conservation Academy Crew for GIS Training

Part of a community-based research grant from Water@UW-Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Office of the Provost.

Preparing Your Esri Data for the New National Spatial Reference System

Get ready for the new NSRS in 2026 by properly transforming your Esri data.