Dr. Joseph Kerski to deliver keynote at 2016 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit

Keynote speaker for the 2016 Geospatial Summit announced!

Bills affect address confidentiality and adverse possession

Two bills being considered by the Wisconsin Legislature affect current regulations about the confidentiality of addresses and adverse possession requirements.

New bills of interest to geospatial community

A roundup of some recent bills introduced in the Wisconsin Legislature that are of interest to the geospatial community.

New drone regulations introduced

The use of drones (Unmanned Aerial Systems) is becoming regulated across all levels of government.

Save the date for the 2016 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit

The 2016 UW-Madison Geospatial Summit will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in Gordon Commons on the UW-Madison campus.

Happy GIS Day!

Today is GIS Day.

Federal Aviation Administration planning to require registration of recreational drones

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is planning to require registration of recreational drones (also known as UAS or Unmanned Aerial Systems) to mitigate safety concerns.

Study of Washington Island settlement history now available online

A study of the settlement history of Washington Island, Wisconsin, by Will Craig and colleagues is now available as an SCO publication.

Inaugural Meeting of Wisconsin Land Information Council Held in Oshkosh

Details of the first meeting of the the newly created Wisconsin Land Information Council.

Application period now open for the first series of GISP exams

The first “Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge Exams” now required for GISP certification will be offered November 12-17, 2015.