The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has released presentations and webinar videos about the planned 2022 release of the new geodetic datums.
Over 100 people registered for the Summit, from locations around the state.
The USGS has announced a series of public meetings around the next phase of the 3DEP LiDAR program.
The sixth annual County Health Rankings have been released.
Website lets users visualize landsape change anywhere on Earth based on 30 years of Landsat imagery.
Three teams from the University of Wisconsin are collaborating on a project to explore user needs for a digital map database of Wisconsin derived from General Land Office (GLO) surveyors’ notes made between 1830 and 1865.
Chrisman’s keynote address is entitled, “Carrying through on the promise: Lessons from protoype efforts in Wisconsin thirty years ago.”
A 1985 Mapping Bulletin article on the history of topographic mapping in Wisconsin.
Update on recent activities on the V1 Statewide Parcel Map Project.
Details on the “Survey-Parcel Forum” held on March 12, 2015, in Stevens Point.