The final report of the LinkWISCONSIN Address Point and Parcel Mapping Project is now available on the SCO website.
The Department of Administration has announced the publication of the 2014 WLIP Report.
The SCO has published its 2013-14 Annual Report.
The Wisconsin Department of Administration has responded to feedback on its proposed WLIP Planning Process Framework document.
The US Geological Survey has announced a LiDAR partnership opportunity as part of the 3DEP program.
Thoughts from Curtis Pulford on the eve of his retirement as Wisconsin’s Geographic Information Officer.
Curtis Pulford is stepping down as Wisconsin’s Geographic Information Officer.
The SCO recently received an Outstanding Partner Award from the UW-Stevens Point GIS Center.
Check out our new tutorial on geospatial PDFs and the USGS’s “US Topo” map series.
The 2014 Geospatial Summit at UW-Madison attracted over 150 attendees from across the state.