Additional LiDAR elevation datasets added to WisconsinView

Several new digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from LiDAR data have been added to WisconsinView.

Wisconsin Historical Museum unveils map exhibit

The Wisconsin Historical Museum is hosting a map exhibit through November 9, 2013.

Wisconsin legislators unveil bill to restrict use of aerial drones

Lawmakers have introduced a bill that would limit the use of aerial drones in Wisconsin.

Preliminary program for 2013 Geospatial Summit available online

The preliminary program for the 2013 Geospatial Summit is now available.

Data-driven maps take cartography a step forward: Part II

Are we seeing a convergence of GIS and vector graphics toolsets?

LiDAR elevation data now available on WisconsinView

Digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from LiDAR data are now available for some Wisconsin counties on WisconsinView.

Governor’s budget recommends statewide geospatial initiatives

Governor Walker’s executive budget bill recommends several important statewide geospatial initiatives.

UW-Madison to host 2013 Geospatial Summit

UW-Madison will host the 2013 Geospatial Summit on April 25, 2013.

Data-driven maps take cartography a step forward

It’s time to acknowledge the advantages of GIS-based data-driven mapmaking.

Landsat 8 to launch February 11, 2013

The Landsat era that began in 1972 will continue with the launch of Landsat 8 next month.