NSGIC conference provides outreach opportunity for WIGICC

Wisconsin representatives learn more about other statewide GIS coordination councils and get feedback about WIGICC’s path to permanency.

WIGICC report recommends council permanency

The recently finalized report documents the progress, actions, and accomplishments of WIGICC since its inception in September 2008, and identifies recommendations for ongoing activities and for permanent establishment of the Council.

New SCO strategic plan looks to the future

The new Plan embraces the past, but also considers the many new and emerging changes in digital mapping and geospatial applications.

SCO welcomes new staffer

Timothy Kennedy recently joined our office to assist with the development and implementation of new geospatial technologies for many of our ongoing projects.

Too many cooks?

State Cartographer Howard Veregin shares some thoughts on the changing geospatial landscape and the role of the Wisconsin Geographic Information Coordination Council.

Greetings from the new State Cartographer

Join us in welcoming new State Cartographer Howard Veregin to Wisconsin!