Aerial Imagery Data

While Wisconsin does not have a statewide aerial imagery program, there are several options for acquiring digital imagery (either public domain, or for a fee.)  This includes imagery developed from local, state, and federal agencies.  Typically, the highest-resolution imagery in the state is produced and distributed by local governments.

New WHAIFinder aerial photo application released

Try out our new WHAIFinder historic aerial photo application redesigned and redeveloped by SCO student developers.

Ayres Associates reselected as WROC service provider

Ayres has been facilitating grassroots aerial imagery consortiums in Wisconsin since 1995.

Ayres hires mapping and technology expert

Thomas Tym has joined Ayres Associates as technology solutions leader. 

2015 NAIP imagery coming soon

Imagery data from the National Agriculture Imagery Program are expected to be available from the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway within the next month.

2015 Wisconsin NAIP flights starting in June

Imagery acquisitions for the 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program are scheduled to begin in Wisconsin around June 20th and run through the end of August.

Wisconsin aerial imagery projects: 2013-2017

New interactive status map shows recent and future activity in Wisconsin.

2013 NAIP now available

Imagery from the summer 2013 National Agriculture Imagery Program flights over Wisconsin are now available as a free download from the USDA-NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway.

Quantum Spatial formed through merger of AeroMetric, Photo Science & WSI

Wisconsin firm acquires two national geospatial service providers.

2013 NAIP flights making progress in Wisconsin

Majority of the state is already acquired.