WROC state and federal partnerships top $1.1 million
A recent funding boost will create a statewide 18-inch imagery product, and also help reduce costs for other WROC participants.
Items related to aircraft-acquired photography.
A recent funding boost will create a statewide 18-inch imagery product, and also help reduce costs for other WROC participants.
In a September 10th online “webinar,” audience members learned the State of Wisconsin will receive $700,000 in federal funding for 2010 orthophotography.
Fire up your favorite Web browser at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10th to hear the latest on the Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium, and plans for 2010 imagery in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin may be in line for statewide 1-meter resolution digital orthophoto coverage sooner than expected due to a recent decision by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
An article by the La Crosse Tribune on a new spatial dataset yields some very interesting reader comments.
UW-Madison has an unparalleled collection of historic aerial photographs including a very rare and nearly-complete collection of the oldest aerial photos of the state, acquired by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 1937-1941. A new project at UW-Madison will digitally scan and archive the entire collection, and make the photographs available to the general public via a web portal.
Google Earth and Amazon’s “Human Intelligence Task” site are now aiding in the search for missing adventurer Steve Fossett.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Regional Library in Denver, Colorado maintains a collection of over 400,000 photographs taken during geologic studies of the United States and its territories from 1868 to the present.
A recent Morning Edition story on National Public Radio discussed the efforts of the USDA to collect aerial photographs spanning the nation through the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). NAIP imagery is taken yearly during …