Governor’s Budget Requests Additional Funds for County LIOs and WLIP

The budget proposes a doubling of funds for the state’s land information community.

Preserving the Integrity of Statewide Parcel Data under the New Judicial Privacy Law (Part I)

Protecting the inherent value of owner name information and the public’s right to know.

New Bill Proposes Changes to WLIP Funding

Assembly Bill 915 would increase Wisconsin Land Information Program grants to counties.

Next Generation 911 Biennial Report Released

On December 6th, 2022 the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs (DMA), Office of Emergency Communications (OEC), and 9-1-1 Subcommittee made publicly available the 2020-22 Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Biennial report.  This report, due to the …

Office of Emergency Communications releases NextGen9-1-1 resources

The Office of Emergency Communications at the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs has released a GIS Gap Analysis Report and a geodatabase template for the state’s NextGen9-1-1 effort.

How Wisconsin’s Counties Got Their Shapes

Wisconsin’s county boundaries have attained their current shapes as a result of numerous boundary changes that date back to the formation of Wisconsin Territory in 1836.

Municipal Boundary Data

In Wisconsin, the Legislative Technology Services Bureau (LTSB) GIS Team works closely with local governments to maintain a statewide layer of municipal boundaries (cities, villages, and towns).  Counties are required by state law to submit updated municipal boundary data to LTSB. 

County Maps

There are several sources for Wisconsin County Maps. Below we have included some information and links to pertinent map sources.