The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District is hosting a meeting for Latitude Geographics Geocortex users on January 31.
Register for the 25th Annual WLIA Conference in Stevens Point on February 15th – 17th, 2012.
The results are in from surveying Wisconsin in a day.
A report on the recent Wisconsin Land Information Association conference on GIS and economic development.
The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery at UW-Madison is hosting a Saturday Science GIS Day on Nov. 5, 2011, at 10 a.m.
Mark your calendar for a networking event at the Edgewater Hotel on October 26th.
As if there was any doubt, mobile GIS is here to stay.
The 25th edition of the largest statewide geospatial conference is headed to Stevens Point on February 15th – 17th.
The Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) will be hosting its fall meeting in Neenah, WI on October 27 & 28.
Tanya Buckingham (Assistant Director of the UW Cartography lab) and Jim Lacy (Associate State Cartographer) both spoke this summer during a weekly series at UW-Madison.