DMA Hosting NG9-1-1 Outreach Sessions in 2024
Each of the three sessions will cover different topics relevant to Wisconsin NG9-1-1 stakeholders as work continues on the implementation of statewide NG9-1-1 services.
Each of the three sessions will cover different topics relevant to Wisconsin NG9-1-1 stakeholders as work continues on the implementation of statewide NG9-1-1 services.
Check out the titles of the presentations to be delivered at the UW-Madison Geospatial Summit on April 10, 2024.
Amy Kind, MD, Phd, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, will speak on “Advancing Precision Medicine via Social Exposome Geography” at the UW-Madison Geospatial Summit on April 10, 2024.
The Summit is an opportunity to share geospatial research and program updates, employment and internship opportunities, and new ideas and initiatives.
The Western Great Lakes Region of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing has announced its student travel grants for the 2024 Geo Week conference in Denver.
The Esri Wisconsin User Group is headed back to the Lambeau Field Atrium in November.
Dr. Joseph Kerski, Education Manager and Geographer at Esri, will visit UW-Madison on Feb. 21, 2023, to do a presentation and meet with students.
Staff from State Cartographer’s Office delivered a total of four presentations at the recent Wisconsin Land Information Association Annual Conference, held February 23-25 2022 in Elkhart Lake, WI.
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Register Now to attend the free PLSS Forum, “Yesterday, today and TOMORROW” Date: Thursday April 18th Location: Best Western Riverfront Inn, 1821 Riverside Avenue, Marinette, WI Join us for a free, day-long forum about the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) in Wisconsin. The objective of the forum is to learn about the importance of maintaining…