National Geodetic Survey extends GPS on Bench Marks Deadline to December 31, 2022

NGS is officially extending the GPS on Bench Marks Campaign for an additional year to collect even more data to improve the quality of the Modernized National Spatial Reference System.

Progress being made with GPS on Bench Marks Initiative

New statistics from the Wisconsin DOT show that the GPS on Bench Marks campaign has made significant progress over the summer months.

GPS on Bench Marks: Status Update for Wisconsin

The Wisconsin DOT has provided an update of the state’s status on the GPS on Bench Marks campaign.

Update on State Plane Coordinate System 2022

The National Geodetic Survey has provided an updated timeline for State Plane Coordinate System 2022 designs.

Euler Poles and Hinge Lines: How Plate Tectonics and Isostatic Adjustment Affect Geographic Coordinates

More details on the National Geodetic Survey’s models of crustal motion for the new National Spatial Reference System.

Update on National Spatial Reference System Modernization Plans

The National Geodetic Survey has updated its plans and schedule for modernization of the National Spatial Reference System.

Learning to Live with Five Different Kinds of Coordinates

Users of the modernized National Spatial Reference System will need to understand the differences between five different types of coordinates.

The Foot is Dead! Long Live the Foot!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology and National Geodetic Survey have announced their final decision to deprecate use of the U.S. survey foot.

NIST and NGS delay final determination on deprecation of US Survey Foot

A 90-day extension has been announced on the final determination of the decision to deprecate the US Survey Foot.

NGS delays implementation of reference system modernization plans

The National Geodetic Survey has announced that it is delaying implementation of the modernized National Spatial Reference System.