History of Cartography now available online

Volumes One and Two of The History of Cartography are now freely available online.

USGS historic map scanning project has strong Wisconsin ties

Project Manager Greg Allord highlights some interesting Wisconsin connections to a major USGS initiative.

Thousands of historic topographic maps now available from USGS

Over 2,800 historic maps of Wisconsin available in GeoPDF format for free.

Wisconsin Historical Society publishes historic map collection online

Find historic maps online through the Wisconsin Historical Society’s new digital collection.

Wisconsin historic aerial photographs now available online

The Wisconsin Historic Aerial Image Finder was officially rolled out at the Wisconsin Land Information Association conference in Madison last week.

New project brings historic land use maps into the present

An interesting pilot project looks at the feasibility of bringing selected maps from the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory (a.k.a., the “Bordner Survey”) into Google Earth.

Renowned map collector to speak at UW-Madison

Philanthropist, map collector, cartographer, and technology guru David Rumsey will speak on the UW-Madison campus on May 9th.

American Geographical Society Library celebrating 30 years

Staff and friends of the world renowned geographic and map library at UW-Milwaukee will mark 30 years in Wisconsin on May 30th.

Chicago museum hosts impressive mapping exhibition

In November, State Cartographer Ted Koch had the opportunity to walk through one of the most remarkable displays of historic maps to occur in this country for quite some time. The exhibit runs through January 27, 2008.

History of Cartography project releases “Cartography in the Renaissance”

The latest volume in the renowned History of Cartography series explores the period of 1450-1650.