Workshop “New Reference Frames, Datums, Measurement Units and Map Projection & Design”

Are you ready to meet the challenges of the new horizontal and vertical datums in 2022?

WSRS2022 and NGS reach compromise on plans for Wisconsin Coordinate Systems

A compromise has been reached with the National Geodetic Survey regarding plans for the Wisconsin’s multi-layer State Plane Coordinate System.

National Geodetic Survey responds to WSRS2022 request for exceptions

The National Geodetic Survey has responded to WSRS2022’s August letter requesting exceptions to accommodate WISCRS.

US Survey Foot to be deprecated on December 31, 2022

A recent Federal Register Notice announces the deprecation of the US Survey Foot by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Geodetic Survey.

WSRS2022 submits letter to NGS requesting policy exceptions

The Wisconsin Spatial Reference System 2022 Task Force has submitted a letter to the National Geodetic Survey requesting exceptions to NGS’s policy regarding the modernization of the State Plane Coordinate System.

Two new PLSS corner numbering documents published by SCO

The SCO has recently published two documents detailing the implementation of a PLSS corner numbering system for the state.

US Survey Foot to be phased out in 2022

The National Geodetic Survey plans to phase out the US Survey Foot by 2022.

Public Land Survey System Work Group Receives Community-University Partnership Award

The Public Land Survey System Work Group was recently acknowledged by UW-Madison for outstanding community-engaged collaboration in embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea.

New publication: Proposed statewide PLSS corner numbering system

A new publication offers a proposal for implementing the Romportl System to number corners in the statewide Public Land Survey System (PLSS) database.

2019 PLSS Forum presentations and final report now available

Presentation slides and a final report are now available for the 2019 Public Land Survey System Forum held in Darlington on April 18, 2019.