New project brings historic land use maps into the present

An interesting pilot project looks at the feasibility of bringing selected maps from the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory (a.k.a., the “Bordner Survey”) into Google Earth.

Renowned map collector to speak at UW-Madison

Philanthropist, map collector, cartographer, and technology guru David Rumsey will speak on the UW-Madison campus on May 9th.

Q and A: How are unincorporated communities added to the official state highway map?

The procedure for getting “on the map” is guided by several practical policies set by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. What are they?

Legislative Audit Bureau makes recommendations for wetland mapping in Wisconsin

An evaluation of the DNR wetland permitting program by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee also includes recommendations for the Wisconsin Wetlands Inventory.

Q and A: Where can I find snowmobile trail maps to load on my GPS receiver?

Many riders have gone high-tech in recent years, and now carry GPS receivers with them on the trail. Unfortunately, snowmobile trails can be difficult to map, and digital data are very limited. What are some options?

Festival of Maps opens in November

Chicago is playing host to a city-wide celebration to advance the knowledge of mapping and inspire an appreciation for the field of cartography.

History of Cartography project releases “Cartography in the Renaissance”

The latest volume in the renowned History of Cartography series explores the period of 1450-1650.

New 2007 state highway map hits the streets

The latest official state highway map of Wisconsin is now available. 

New Dane County Map for Bicyclists goes digital

Bicyclists in the Madison area are happy to see a long-awaited update to the popular 2002 county-wide bicycle route map. New distribution methods include ESRI ArcReader and Google Earth KML.

Popular AGSL maps now online

The American Geographical Society Library at UW-Milwaukee recently made 200 frequently-requested maps of American cities, states, and national parks available in digital format.