National Geodetic Survey revises its plans for 2022 State Plane Coordinate System update

On March 7, 2019, NGS held a webinar to provide updates to their SPCS plans based on comments received from across the country.

WI-NGS datasheets available for download

Due to the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) being affected by the federal government shut-down, users are currently unable to access NGS’s datasheets. In an effort to support the business needs for the surveying community, we …

WSRS 2022 Task Force Goals and Creation of Focus Groups

Describes the goals, mission, current activities and focus groups of WSRS 2022, the Wisconsin Spatial Reference System 2022 Task Force.

NATRF2022 Discovery Team Submits Comments to National Geodetic Survey

The NATRF2022 Discovery Team submitted a response to the National Geodetic Survey related to the policies and procedures to update the State Plane Coordinate System.

NATRF2022 Discovery Team to convene in Madison in July, 2018

A Discovery Team meeting will be held in Madison on July 19, 2018, to define the main impact areas of the new NATRF2022 reference frame and identify the main stakeholder groups affected.

Update to State Plane Coordinate System planned for transition to 2022 Terrestrial Reference Frames

As part of the transition to the new 2022 Terrestrial Reference Frames the National Geodetic Survey will update the nation’s State Plane Coordinate System.

Geodetic Standards & Networks

Tags: Land Surveying, NGS Accuracy Standards Geodetic control surveys are usually performed to establish a basic control network (framework) from which supplemental surveying and mapping work are performed. The required accuracy for a control survey depends primarily on its purpose. Factors that affect accuracy are type and condition of equipment used, field procedures adopted, and…

Height Modernization Program Passive Network

The Wisconsin Height Modernization Program (HMP) is designed to improve the density of geodetic control stations listed in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) with accurate orthometric heights (elevations). The Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation (WisDOT), in cooperation with the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), initiated a program in 1998 to improve the height data throughout the State.

Report on plans for a new national spatial reference system now available

The National Geodetic Survey has announce that the final “Report from the 2015 Geospatial Summit on Improving the National Spatial Reference System” is now available.

Information available on new geodetic datums to replace NAD 83 and NAVD 88 in 2022

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has released presentations and webinar videos about the planned 2022 release of the new geodetic datums.