Wiscland 2 project moves on to more detailed maps

The Wiscland 2 project is moving forward with more detailed maps after receiving positive feedback on the initial Level 1 product delivery in January.  As the maps get more complex there are new challenges, but the initial results are very promising.

First draft of statewide land cover product delivered to DNR

There is still a lot of work to be done before the final product is finished in the summer of 2016, but initial accuracy results show overall accuracy exceeds 90 percent for this draft product.

Geoprocessing tools now available to assist in submitting data to the Wisconsin Parcel Initiative

The SCO has released a suite of ArcPy tools to handle the most common hurdles to parcel data submission.

Wiscland 2 project moves on to map creation

The fieldwork season has wrapped up and the Wiscland 2 team is now making maps!  Between the beginning of June and end of August, DNR field crews gathered over 16,000 additional sample points representing the current land cover of our state.

Statewide parcel database of Wisconsin now available online

The Version 1 Statewide Parcel Database, the state’s first publically available statewide digital parcel map, is now available online.

Version 1 Interim Report – Webinar

Thanks to all who attended the V1 Interim Report Webinar. We had a great turn-out with a total of 72 attendees and we received about 22 different questions from the audience.

V1 Parcels Interim Report Webinar

The DOA and SCO will host a joint webinar discussing the Version 1 Statewide Parcel Map Interim Report on July 16th. The webinar will provide a brief overview of the interim report, the searchable format for parcel data, and the benchmark recommendations for future parcel dataset development and improvement. 

Field collection underway for Wiscland 2 project

The fieldwork season has begun to complete the samples database for the Wiscland-2 land cover mapping project!  To round out the training/validation dataset of over 500,000 samples, ten Field Technicians have been brought on for the summer and are traveling the state to identify and collect GPS locations and ecological information with the aid of a DNR field mentor stationed in their collection region.

Version 1 statewide parcel database completed

The Version 1 statewide parcel database — containing over 3 million parcels with their attributes — has been completed. The database is accompanied by an interim report that summarizes the “V1” project and makes recommendations for strategic funding of improvements to the parcel layer.

Take the Wisconsin Historic Landscape project online survey

An online survey is now available for the Wisconsin Historic Landscape project.