Wisconsin Land Cover project forging ahead

Project sponsored by the Wisconsin DNR continues to make progress towards an updated statewide land cover map based on interpreted satellite imagery.

Project update: Version 1 Statewide Parcel Map

Update on recent activities on the V1 Statewide Parcel Map Project.

Version 1 Statewide Parcel Map Project Update

Status update on the Version 1 Statewide Parcel Map Project.

Final report of the LinkWISCONSIN statewide address and parcel project now available

The final report of the LinkWISCONSIN Address Point and Parcel Mapping Project is now available on the SCO website.

Land cover project featured on Green Bay TV station

Story aired on October 5th describes the statewide land cover project, and how it will be used to improve DNR’s deer habitat monitoring efforts.

Work progressing on updated land cover map

Preliminary pilot site data delivered to DNR for review, report now available.

LinkWISCONSIN Parcel Mapping Project Final Deliverable

The LinkWISCONSIN EBM Parcel Mapping Project team recently delivered its final database to the Public Service Commission.

Statewide land cover project kicking off soon

The University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are partnering on a project to map the current land cover of Wisconsin.

SCO to collaborate with DOA on statewide parcel map initiative

The Wisconsin Department of Administration has finalized an agreement with the State Cartographer’s Office to create the state’s first statewide digital parcel map to be made publically available.

LinkWISCONSIN EBM Parcel Mapping Project Update

Read how the framework of the LinkWISCONSIN EBM Parcel Mapping project is taking form.