Science Hall Open House

The UW-Madison Department of Geography and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies are hosting an open house to showcase the stately structure at the corner of Park Street and Observatory Drive in Madison, and the …

State Cartographer’s commentary

Wisconsin Public Service Commission deserves praise for including land information provisions in recent wireless 911 grant awards.

Reduced price for Campus Image Map

This striking, full-color aerial view of the UW-Madison campus is now priced to move!

Office takes change in stride

First office move in 30 years, staff changes and new projects highlight summer.

Open House showcasing mapping resources

Open house will give students and the public an opportunity to learn about the wealth of mapping science resources in Geography at UW-Madison.

Exciting Times at the SCO

Life at the SCO over the past few months was a bit like a ride on a roller coaster.

Open House a Big Success

The doors of Science Hall were opened wide on September 1st for what turned out to be a very successful exposition of the mapping sciences.

Welcome to the April 2005 Mapping Bulletin

Start here for an overview of this edition.

Grants Enable WISCLINC and Web Services Progress

Recent SCO projects look at standards and interoperability

Jim’s Summer Roadtrip!

I’m planning to get out of the office and do some traveling; I’d like to visit your organization and learn more about what you do.