Michigan Tech University offering surveying summer workshop

The Michigan Technological University School of Technology is holding their first annual Surveying Summer Workshop on the Michigan Tech campus in Houghton, Michigan on July 17-18, 2014.

UW-Madison seeks feedback for new GIS Professional Master’s Program

The UW-Madison Geography Department is in the process of planning a new on-line Professional Master’s program focused on “GIS Development” and would like your help.

Register now! Seats are almost gone for the FREE WLIA addressing workshop!

Spaces are moving fast, register now to ensure a seat for February 12th!

Attend the Addressing Workshop at WLIA

Participate in the (free) Building an Address Repository workshop at the 2014 Wisconsin Land Information Association Annual Conference!

Last call for WLIA Python training class

The Wisconsin Land Information Association needs more registrations for a Python class happening in conjunction with their 2014 Annual Conference.

Free Virtual Training: US National Grid Implementation

Sign up and learn more about how to implement USNG.

Nicolet College offering 2-year degree in GIS Technology

New GIS program in Rhinelander is set to begin in early September.

UWSP offers new training opportunities

The GIS Center at UW-Stevens Point recently unveiled two new training courses, with more on the way.

UW-Milwaukee offering online GIS in Transit course

The course is primarily aimed at public transportation professionals, but it is also open to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of GIS applications.  Sign up now, it begins on March 12th!

Esri phasing out Certified Trainer Program

Support for the “train the trainer” program will end with ArcGIS version 10.1.